Guidelines for the Contributors

Journal is published by Nursing Research Forum Society. This Journal is the official organ of the said society. It invites research based articles, & research briefs for publications in all fields of nursing.All the published material will thereafter be the property of the Nursing Research Forum.
Publications to be submitted should be original and not elsewhere submitted and published. Manuscripts accepted for publication are subject to editorial changes required for conformity with journal style. The unsuitable manuscripts for publication shall not be returned.


The manuscripts should by submitted in dublicate (one of them being the original typed script). Articles must by typed with double space on one side of the A4 size paper throughout including tables and references and with wide margins. Manuscript may be submitted on 3 ½ inch disc using any standard program, but hard copy of manuscript are always required. Please specify which type of computer and program have been used and label the disc with your name, the name of the file on the disc. It is important that the file on the disc is identical to the hard copy submitted. All the pages must be numbered sequentially as follow:

Title page

Full tiltle of the paper, which should be concise, informative and not exceeding 10-12 words.

Name of the authors in the form wished for publications should be provided. The degree, affiliation and full official addresses should be given on a separate sheet at the end of the paper. One of the author should be designated to receive correspondence, who must take responsibility for keeping the other authors informed of the paper progress.


The abstract should be brief, concise and factual, not exceeding 200 words in length. It should state the objectives of the study, basic methodology, main results and conclusion. Below the abstract three to five key words should be provided for indexing.


The text should be divided into sections with the headings; Introduction, material and methods, results, discussions and references. Manuscripts should contain 2500-3000 words including references.

Research briefs

The research brief could be based on M.Sc. M.Phil or Ph.D. research projects, which should not exceed 500 words. It should include the objectives, methodology and the results, with appropriate references.
All contributions should be accopained by a declaration from the authors, that the work is original and has not been published or submitted elsewhere.
The published material will be the responsibility of the particular author. The editorial team shall not take the responsibility for accuracy of information or references.


  • Number the references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the manuscript. Follow the style used in Index Medicus. Some examples are given below for ready references

Single author paper

Book PA Beginning research ; Diabetic understanding for their disease and treatment. Nursing Times 1977;73,29:117-119.

Two or more Author paper

Just G, Adams E, De Young S. Faculty practice; Nurse educator views and proposed models. Journal of Nursing Education 1989;28,4:161-168.


Type each table on a separate sheet with double spacing and number the table consecutively. Write a brief title for each. Mention statistical measures of variation viz. S. D. or S.E. if data from another source is used (published or unpublished ), obtain written permission to do so and acknowledge it. Use standard symbols for footnotes.


Submit the required number of figures in duplicate. Send sharp, glossy, black and white prints only. Indicates the figures number, the name of the author on the back of each print.

Abbreviations and Symbols

Use only standard abbreviations. Do not use abbreviations in title. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use unless it is a standard unit of measurement.

Address for correspondence

The manuscript should clearly designate one author as correspondent to whom proof will also be sent, and the full postal address, telephone number, E-mail address, where available of the individual should be given.


Contributions to “Nursing REsearch Forum, NINE, Chandigarh” is permitted text deduction under section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961 to the terms and conditions presented in the said section till March, 2008).

Aims and Objectives of Nursing Research Forum

  • Promote Scientific enquiry among nurses.
  • Publish a scientific journal of nursing research forum.

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