About Nursing Research Forum

The Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) Chandigarh was conceived in 1960 as a center of excellence which would endeavor to develop patterns of teaching in postgraduate medical education in as many branches as possible and attempt to produce specialists in several disciplines of medicine. It was also envisaged that these specialists would spread out in the country in various medical colleges and medical institutions and impart medical education of highest standard to the students and set up nucleus of excellence in their own institutions.  The PGIMER was also given the responsibility to broaden the horizons of medical knowledge by intensive research in the field of health.

National Institute of Nursing Education (NINE), Chandigarh was established in 1964with WHO assistance as a part of Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, (PGIMER), Chandigarh. It is known for imparting academic excellence in nursing at graduation and post- graduation and Doctorate levels. Institute is imparting education to BSc Nursing, BSc Nursing (Post Basic), MSc Nursing(Child Health Nursing, Obst.&Gynacological Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Mental Health Nursing and Medical Surgucal Nursing). In M.Sc. Medical Surgical Nursing there are seven super specialities(Neurological Nursing, Cardiac Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Oncology Nursing, Nephrology Nursing, Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Nursing & Gastroentrology Nursing).Ph.D. in Nursing for inservice candidates was started w.e.f. 1.1.2014. Apart from regular academic program the institute also conducts workshops, short tem courses and conferences to enhance the knowledge and skills of the practicing nurses. Practical exposure along with theoretical education is imparted to the students, for their overall development.The Institute was designated as WHO Collaborative Centre for nursing of midwifery in the year 2004 to 2016 and was re-designated in the year 2018.


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Aims and Objectives of Nursing Research Forum

  • Promote Scientific enquiry among nurses.
  • Publish a scientific journal of nursing research forum.

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