by NMRJ | Aug 27, 2019 | January 2013 10.33698/NRF0148 – Rinzin Dolkar, Surinder Kapoor, Neena Vir Singh, Vikas Suri Abstract: Temperature is one of the most common and important clinical signs. Temperature must be measured accurately to identify fluctuations fast and intervene...
by NMRJ | Aug 27, 2019 | January 2013 – Suresh K Sharma, Bhavna Garg, Nidhi Sagar Abstract: In India, son preference is very strong and pervasive and has been frequently cited as one of the major obstacle for reducing the national fertility level. Furthermore, gender...
by NMRJ | Aug 27, 2019 | January 2013 Navdeep Kaur, Avinash Kaur Rana, Vanita Suri Abstract: Perineal trauma is a frequent complication to vaginal delivery especially with episiotomy. Pain and discomfort related to episiotomy interfere with women’s daily activities...
by NMRJ | Aug 27, 2019 | January 2013 – Kumud, Avinash Kaur Rana, Seema Chopra Abstract: Labour pain is auniversal phenomenon.The first stage of labour is longer and painful in both primiparous and multiparous mothers.A quasi-experimental study was undertaken to...
by NMRJ | Aug 27, 2019 | January 2013 Kirandeep Kaur, Avinash Kaur Rana, Shalini Gainder Abstract : Childbirth is a painful process. Various complementary methods are used to relieve pain. Quasi experimental study was conducted to assess the effect of video on breathing...